The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) is the world’s premier networking forum for leading  researchers in the highly active fields of theory, design and implementation of circuits and systems. ISCAS 2008, sponsored by the CAS Society and supported by the University of Washington, will be held in Seattle, USA, from 18 to 21 May 2008. The theme of ISCAS 2008 is “Green” Circuits and Systems: Engineering the Environmental Revolution. The conference website is http://www.iscas2008.org and the important dates are
  1. Deadline for submission of Tutorial Proposals: 7 September 2007
  2. Deadline for submission of Special Sessions Proposals: 7 September 2007
  3. Notification of acceptance of Special Sessions Proposals: 21 September 2007
  4. Deadline for submission of Full 4-page Papers in Regular Sessions: 5 October 2007
  5. Deadline for submission of Full 4-page Papers in Special Sessions: 2 November 2007
  6. Notification of Paper Acceptance: 4 January 2008
  7. Deadline for submission of FINAL Papers: 8 February 2008
  8. Deadline for Author Registration: 15 February 2008
Third International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, St. Julians, Malta, March 2008
The 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP’08) will be held at the Le Méridien Hotel, St. Julians, Malta. Its purpose is to be a forum for technical exchange amongst scientists having interests in Communications, Control and Signal Processing. The technical program will include plenary lectures, regular technical sessions, and special sessions covering the three major tracks. Malta is at the centre of the Mediterranean and is well known for its hospitality. The rich archeological and cultural heritage dating back several millennia provide an interesting backdrop to the Symposium.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length, four page papers in portable document format (PDF) to the ISCCSP Technical Committee. All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically.
For up-to-date information and paper submission, please visit the Symposium web site: http://www.eng.um.edu.mt/isccsp2008. Proceedings of the Symposium will be published and provided to attendees on CD-ROM. Please note that, at least one full paying author of each accepted paper must register for the Symposium before the indicated deadline.
- Deadline for submission of papers October 1, 2007
- Notification of acceptance  December 9, 2007
- Deadline for submission of camera-ready paper January 15, 2008
- Deadline for author registration January 20, 2008
Other Upcoming Conferences
International Workshop on Power and Timing, Modeling, Optimization and Simulation 2007 (PATMOS)
PATMOS2007 will be held in Göteborg, Sweden, from September 3 to 5, 2007. The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss and investigate the emerging problems in the design methodologies and CAD tools for the new generation of IC technologies. [Link to the workshop website]
International Professional Communication Conference 2007 (IPCC2007)
Organized by the IEEE Professional Communication Society, IPCC2007 will be held in Seattle from October 1 to 3, 2007. This year’s theme is “Engineering the Future of Human Communication”. [Link to the conference website]
IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS2007)
ICECS2007 will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from December 11 to 14, 2007. For details of the conference, please go to http://icecs2007.googlepages.com/home. 

Meetings Sponsored by the Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
The Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems invite your participation in the following conferences/workshops:
International IEEE Scientific Conference on Physics and Control, September 2007, Potsdam, Germany 
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA’07), September 2007, Vancouver, Canada

If you wish to alert CASS members about the meetings sponsored or organized by your Technical Committees, please send information to the Editor-in-Chief (cktse@ieee.org).http://www.ce.chalmers.se/research/conference/patmos07http://www.ieeepcs.org/ipcc2007http://icecs2007.googlepages.com/homehttp://www.physcon2007.agnld.uni-potsdam.de/http://nolta07.is.tokushima-u.ac.jpmailto:cktse@ieee.orgshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3shapeimage_4_link_4shapeimage_4_link_5